Your Full-Service Recruiter, for 10x Less
We're blending humans with AI so you can hire better & faster — for less than $1,500 per role

Hire better people. Waste less time.
All for ~1% of first-year salary
Recruiting Agencies |
Internal Teams |
![]() |
Access a large talent database | |||
Fast & Efficient inbound review | |||
High-Volume Outbound Outreach | |||
Candidates are Screened by Humans | |||
Average Cost per Hire |
$22,000 |
$3,500 |
$1,250 |
Start reviewing candidates within 72 hours

Christina Kray
Step 1
Understand Your Needs
We'll review your job description & feedback on sample candidates to identify what excites you in a candidate
Step 2
We Review Thousands of Profiles
We'll review thousands of applications & profiles to identify who matches your needs & then we'll invite them to an initial call
Step 3
Screening Calls with Real People
Every matched candidate has an introductory call with a recruiter based in the US, UK, or Australia
Step 4
Accept or Decline Candidates
Get full transparency into the candidate's needs & experience so you're making smart decisions on who to invest time with
We're built to find you the best
Outreach to the Top 1,000 Candidates
We identify the top 1K candidates for every role & invite them to a call
Emails Come From
Your Leaders
Send emails from company leaders to see a 3x improvement in interest
Smart Sorting to Reach the Best, Faster
We auto rank candidates based on your needs so you see the best, first

Waste less time with the wrong candidates
Get the answers you need so you can invest your team's time into the right candidates.

Our team supports hiring across the full-range of professional roles
Sales & Marketing
These roles help companies validate, execute & scale strategies to drive revenue growth.
Strategy & Product
These roles lead the delivery of solutions that solve customer & business problems.
Business & Operations
This function helps develop, optimize, and execute processes that enhance a business.
Analytics & Data Science
These roles are responsible for leveraging data to deliver insights that support decision-making
Software Development & Infrastructure
This function helps companies build software that can helps companies deliver more for less.
Finance & Accounting
Manages financial records, compliance, and insights for strategic financial planning
The most flexible & efficient recruiting solution
One simple, all inclusive price with no long-term commitments and pro-rated after the first two weeks
Job Postings & Inbound
Includes posting fees & unlimited application review
Outreach to the Top 1,000
We invite 1,000 candidates to interview each month
Human Screening & Support
You work with a real recruiter & humans screen all talent